Today I stumbled upon a brillant website by some entrepreneurs in Akron who formed the Rubber City Clothing Company. A collection of their t-shirts for sale can be found here, which include hipster phrases like "bright lights, blimp city" and "for a good time, call 330" as well as other pseudo-punk cool designs. Kudos to the guy who got the akron tattoo in their photo section.
There is a "defend youngstown" logo I like designed by a north-sider, which I think (but I'm not sure) has its origins from a New Orleans concept.
These ideas are a start, but I am calling on the creative types of the Mahoning Valley to post in the comments section here some ideas for a youngstown-based design along these same lines. If the design is good enough, I would be willing to front some money to support a limited production of these t-shirts to sell.
Any ideas?
For Jimmy
2 weeks ago
If you are able to create some new Youngstown T-shirts, please make sure the shirts are American made and are printed by a Youngstown T-shirt shop.
I also would be willing to contribute to the initial cost of production.
For the right concept, I'm willing to contribute startup funding as well. But, it has to be a theme that celebrates the city.
Youngstown is Yo Town!!
...a riff on the Schwebel's billboards:
"Youngstown Born, Youngstown Bread"
...with an image of a loaf of Schwebel's bread underneath the lettering.
I always loved driving past that bilboard on 680. I'm for for a shirt like that, as long as some clown doesn't feel slighted and come after me.
btw, to steal from another one of ACCC's ideas, you could have a 680 interstate sign on a black t-shirt. Not as catchy as the "Youngstown bread" idea though.
Does anyone know what happened to Youngstown American? The website is dead...
BTW, thanks for the link to my Youngstown Pride blog. I have added another member to that blog and my Daily Traficant blog ( and hope to have more regular posts.
Please never call Akron the Ak-rowdy. Ever again.
Seriously, this is a cool company that I read about awhile ago:
American Apparel
They do all their manufacturing in Los Angeles and appear to be a very socially conscious company. I think they offer some organic and hemp products, too, but I'm too lazy to look right now.
I am the north sider with the "DEFEND YOUNGSTOWN" logo/shirts. Sales/pre-orders for these shirts have gone through the roof. The Youngstown Sports Grille has now picked up orders. Anyone interested in the shirt can order from me via email: xxPhil_Kiddxx@yahoo. Shirts come in XL and L Price: $10
The Schwebels Bread idea is awesome. Oftentimes when people ask me where I'm from I give the answer "I'm Youngstown born, Youngstown bread." Most from the area get it, and those not from the area don't.
BE ON THE LOOKOUT...professional basketball team for the American Basketball Association is coming to the area in December 2009...The Youngstown Swish...COMING SOON!!!
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