"Een leeggelopen stad"
More international press for youngstown and the 2010 plan continues to appear.
Joost van Egmond from the Netherlands visted our city (our stad) a few weeks ago and his piece has now aired on NOS (Nederlandse Omroep Stichting, or the Dutch Broadcasting Foundation). NOS is pretty similar to BBC in the UK or a much larger multi-station version of PBS in our country.
Every single home in the Netherlands gets NOS. Indeed NOS 1, NOS 2, and NOS 3 is what I watched in the evenings when CNN International got boring, especially when Larry King was interviewing anyone from Hollywood or the legal profession.
Even though the report is in Dutch, you can listen to the story here.
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We as a country and a region can learn a lot from the Dutch. Their urban and rural land use strategies, their use of mass transportation, and their approach to solving conflict.
We can certainly learn how to party like them:
We should also follow their lead and have the freedom to drink alcohol in public places.
But even with all those benefits, they could keep all the herring they want.
Thanks for stopping by Youngstown, Joost. You and your colleagues are welcome to visit us again at any time.
youngstown . . . the smart, green, international city.
This Bastard is With Me for Life
6 days ago
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