Monday, January 10, 2011

local arts + local talent = how much local dollars?

It's a question that perhaps Arthur Cecil Pigou would find interesting:

What is the total economic impact of the arts in within a geographical area?

Aside from the ticket costs, and labor paid, and the art pieces purchased, what are all the components that can funnel into calculating how much money flows through the local economy because of the arts?

We have a saying in Youngstown:

"yes, but how much peniaze?"

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Monday afternoon will begin the kickoff to count the money.

Thus, the local uber-entity "The Power of the Arts" is partnering with "Americans for the Arts" to kickoff their Economic Impact Study initiative.

That kickoff takes place at . . .
Monday, January 10, 2011 @ 3pm
in the
Eleanor Beecher Flad Pavilion
(same building as Overture restaurant)
260 West Federal Street
Yo, O 44503

from their request for participants:
"Every art and cultural organization in the Mahoning Valley is encouraged to become a part of the Economic Impact Study initiative. One goal of Power of the Arts is to define the role of arts and culture in the economic development of our Valley.

During the kickoff reception, arts and culture organizations in Mahoning and Trumbull Counties will be provided materials concerning the study process.

Every organization is encouraged to send a representative."

For a quick primer on the components of economic impact studies, click here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was in a Leadership Development program here in Denver and we produced a report that touches on the economic impact of the arts on a local economy. Here's the link to the final report:

Feel free to follow up with me - christoff.matthew (a) gmail
