Sunday, March 30, 2008

things to do in youngstown

Looking at Shout Youngstown's site analytics, one of the main searches drawing people to the blog is the Google search:
"things to do in youngstown".

Our staff has compiled a preliminary list of about 60 places in Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley that are essential and vintage Ytown - the true unique gems of this community.

So we are unveiling "The Map"
"The Gems of Youngstown"

click here to see it.

The Map is intended for:
- those who seek the unique things in life
- those looking for the quintessential youngstown
- students in ytown for college
- out-of-town visitors exploring local flavor

The Map is kinda organized by color:
- red for food places (sometimes serving drinks)
- purple for drink places (sometimes serving food)
- yellow for neat cultural/entertainment options
- green for outdoors/nature stuff
- white for historical
- tan for interesting shops

The Map is not intended to be an exhaustive list of every place in the region.

It is a work in progress.

If you don't agree with the contents of The Map, go ahead and make your own.

But by all means, we will listen to your suggestions for future additions.

Make sure your suggestion is a good one though, as character and good food is what drives many of these places to the top of our rankings.

For example, Bw3's in Boardman near the s.p. mall will not make our staff's list because it (a) is not unique, (b) has expensive beer, (c) lacks local flavor.

We realize The Map is created though the lens which represents our tastes. While our tastes are not necessarily superior to anyone else's - they are inherently wonderful.

and with great humility, we give you . .

The Map


Anonymous said...

Nice Job!

I had already done 100 Parks in 100 Miles as a blog entry two weeks ago and, based on the hits, just got done turning it into a static page on Steel Valley Outdoors.

There's so much t do around here that no one ever thinks of.

Love your list. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Maybe put the Flaming Ice Cube in Canfield on it! I think more people are also looking for vegan/vegetarian options, and that's a good one...and, one of the only ones.

Anonymous said...

Teenie's Tavern, 3011 South Ave.

Best pirohi in the valley on Fridays, been going there since I used a beer case as a booster seat :-)

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify for my family's sake, Cornersburg Italian Specialities hasn't been Lazazzera's in like 15 years. Same quality food though. It comes with the Crin seal of approval.

Anonymous said...

nice choices! Was a bit disappointed Wedgewood Pizza was left off the list.

Riza's Eats said...

I was recently in Youngstown and I am considering moving to the area...I like the fact that there are several incentives for people who wants to open a small business, which I am considering. Here's a blog I wrote about Rosetta Stone:

Riza's Eats said...

I was recently in Youngstown and I am considering moving to the area...I like the fact that there are several incentives for people who wants to open a small business, which I am considering. Here's a blog I wrote about Rosetta Stone:

Riza's Eats said...

Please check out my blog about my recent visit to Youngstown:

Anonymous said...

what about the inner circle on campus?