The display of "stars and bars" merchandise was concentrated at the stands of many of the private vendors, and not at official Canfield Fair buildings.
Given the spread of confederate imagery over the fairgrounds however, it makes one wonder how inviting the Canfield Fair is to the families and individuals who are visiting our Valley's wonderful event.
The truth is, these colors do run.
History from 144 years ago proves this fact.
But the colors are on an upswing is seems, as evident in $3 confederate ball caps and nylon flags made in China that one was able to purchase at the Fair.
Let's just hope in the future less of the Fair descends into a dirt-mall merchandising opportunity with bargain buckets of confederate socks.
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It needs to be emphasized that the sale of confederate material is just one small component of a overwhelming positive Canfield Fair.
Just as lemon shakes and corndogs and meat-stuffed hungarian peppers are big sellers in the free market, in all likelihood, the confederate material may also sell well.
Usually what sells is what get placed on the shelves.
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For another example, at this Sunday's event downtown, marijuana-themed t-shirts and goods were for sale, as were large hangings promoting alcohol taped to historic buildings.
Does this mean the organizers of these events are at fault?
I'd argue not to make the organizers a villain in any of this discussion, but it doesn't mean the organizers don't have influence over the environment at their public events.
what do you think?
mangage the merchandise? or much ado about nothing?
What was the event on Sunday downtown?
cool event though..lotsa families
Well, you had two acts, George Jones and Hank Williams Jr. who are solid 'country' acts. It would be no surprise to see lots of Confederate merchandise at such an event, let's face it.
Secondly, the Canfield Fair is an overwhelmingly white event. You see very few people of color there. Apparently vendors felt that there is a demand for such merchandise at the fair, or they wouldn't sell the stuff. make of that what you will.
I do not see an issue with the Confederate flag. It's a symbol of our country's history, whether we like it or not. If one wants to wave the Confederate flag, then so be it, he or she is entitled to. As one can burn Old Glory in protest.
It amazes me how we attach ourselves to symbols so closely and get offended. Symbols are abstract, creation of man's imagination. And we allow ourselves to get offended because...?
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