Thursday, June 12, 2008

stambaugh building: week 2: thursday update

It's been one week since the glass was dropped from near the top of the Stambaugh Building, crashing onto the street and sidewalk below.

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A new online petition has been set up, so anyone having interest in this subject can leave their name and a comment. It requests the city to create a Landmark Structure Ordinance that bestows landmark status on selected buildings in the Central Business District, and prohibits their demolition unless they become a public safety issue.

Click here for the petition.

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In other news, Wednesday afternoon the city's Design Review Committee denied the Frangos Group's request to replace the removed windows with plywood.

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Finally, this letter was presented to City Hall at 3:00pm Wednesday afternoon:

Recommended Action Plan to the City of Youngtown for Stambaugh Building Stabilization
  • Refrain from financially investing in the short, intermediate and long term stabilization plan as this responsibility falls solely on the Owners and not the taxpayers.
  • Concurrently with the Short and Intermediate Term plan, appoint an ad hoc committee to study and develop a Landmark Structure Ordinance in conjunction and in concert with City Officials.
  • Develop a timeline with milestone dates that define specific tasks and actions to be taken by the Owner on specific dates.
    • Develop a method of enforcement and subsequent penalties if timelines are not met or standards are not followed

General Procedures Required of Owner by City of Youngstown
  • Follow recommended procedures which are consistent with The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
  • Secure proper approvals and permits from government agencies and pay all fees associated with permits and approvals for any future work to the building
  • Pay any and all fines/court costs which have been assessed to date as a result of the Owner’s actions
  • Reimburse the City of Youngstown for fencing and pedestrian barricades erected on behalf of the Owner to guard public safety.
    • Assume all costs for above for the full length of time required by the City
  • Provide the City of Youngstown with a 24 hr emergency telephone number of a management service or individual who can respond to future similar issues.
  • Retire any delinquent tax claims and or liens prior to commencement of Action Plan

Owner’s Short Term Stabilization Tasks
  • Make necessary repairs to the existing building roofs to prevent water infiltration from above
  • Guard from harm, secure and maintain in collaboration with ODNR wildlife specialists, peregrine falcon chicks, adults and nesting box from removal or damage during stabilization operations
  • Preserve and conserve original window sash and components, which have not been discarded. Where practical retrieve same which have been stockpiled for disposal or have been place in construction dumpsters
    • Refrain from further demolition of existing windows which remain in place
  • Provide weather tight temporary enclosures on each and every window opening where windows have been removed. Construct enclosures from rigid transparent materials and in such a manner as to protect in place window components from deterioration and which shed water and repel wind from entering the building. Submit design to local authorities for review from a safety standard and to bodies, which regulate aesthetic issues of such temporary enclosure. Construct an in place mock up for examination and approval by governing bodies
  • Establish a time limit in consecutive calendar days that the temporary enclosures shall remain in place.
    • 90 – 120 days is recommended
  • Schedule inspections while work is being performed and at the completion of the work on the temporary enclosures
    • Permit access to the building at all times to City Building inspectors to conduct an up close inspection of any temporary opening
  • For original windows which currently remain in place, repair, replace and or affix in place with positive mechanical fasteners
  • Before unseasonable weather arrives, heat each and every floor of the building to a minimum of 50 degrees to prevent freeze in to all fluid filled pipes and to prevent damage to plaster and wood finishes
    • Provide adequate heat from approved temporary devices in the event the central heating system of the building is decommissioned or inoperable
Owner’s Intermediate Term Stabilization Tasks
  • Require the Owner to present an intermediate stabilization plan which involves a historically appropriate restoration/replication or replacement window unit on the entire structure
    • Said unit shall be submitted to the SHPO for evaluation and appropriateness of the proposed method or unit
  • Require the Owner to utilize the historic sash which are suitable for reuse as a first priority remedy
  • Devise a plan which permits a continual phased retrofit of permanent and historically appropriate and establish timelines for the restoration and remedial work
    • A twelve consecutive calendar month time period is suggested
    • Establish milestone dates for completion of each floor
  • Schedule inspections while work is being performed and at the completion of the work on the window replacement/restoration
    • Permit access to the building at all times to City Building inspectors to conduct an up close inspection of any window
  • Heat each and every floor of the building to a minimum of 50 degrees to prevent freeze in to all fluid filled pipes and to prevent damage to plaster and wood finishes
    • Provide adequate heat from approved temporary devices in the event the central heating system of the building is decommissioned or inoperable
Owner’s Long Term Stabilization Tasks
  • After the successful completion of the Intermediate Stabilization, the Owner shall subject the structure to monthly inspections to assure the stabilization of the building has been maintained and shall perform in a timely manner any necessary repairs to maintain that stabilization.

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