Thursday, October 19, 2006

time to defend youngstown

yes, it is time.

time to defend youngstown.

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And leading that charge is Phil Kidd, creator and distributor of the "Defend Youngstown" line of clothing and merchandise. Phil has sold to date over 2,000 t-shirts in various colors to people throughout the world.

Phil's story has been told numerous times in the local media (including here and here), but the story in abbreviated form goes like this:

a kidd comes to youngstown
the kidd grows love for youngstown
and now this kidd is speading the word

And this message is spreading futher out than just Northeast Ohio. Soon, each Youngstown-American who is currently deployed overseas will be receiving one of these t-shirts as a symbol of appreciation for their service.

Here is a great photo of Ohio Governor Ted Strickland wearing Phil's shirt at a rally in our downtown. Behind the Governor is Youngstown's Representative to the U.S. Congress, Tim Ryan.

Click on the "defend youngstown" image along the right-hand side of this blog to gain direct access to Phil's website at any time in the future. And new t-shirt designs will be available very soon. Check the web page often.

Special thanks to local photographer Katie Libecco for the photo of Ted Strickland. This blog posting would have been incomplete without her help.

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