she was a sight to behold.
her hair, flowing in the seasonably warm winter air.
her eyes, reflecting hundreds of illuminated windows.
her hand, reaching for my ten dollars.
and then, after a welcoming smile, I held tightly onto my First Night Youngstown button all night long.
- - -
???? ha.
now you too can share in the experience.
First Night Youngstown 2008.
excellent write-up of tonight's festivities by Stagie here.
official website with maps and schedule here.
review of last year's festivities here.
some new choice venues this year:
- The Burt Building, origin of the good humor bar and future home of the new downtown history museum will be open for tours.
- The Davis Building, the second oldest structure downtown and recently renovated structure will be hosting "rock and/or roll" bands.
- The soon-to-be-renamed Chevy Center, with indoor ice skating open to the public.
again, this post here is an excellent recap of what is going down.
if you have never been to a First Night Youngstown, they are actually pretty fun - lots of diversity in the types of talent, and a large number of performers will keep you jumping from place to place.
Part Two Haiku
2 weeks ago